Executive Speech Coach: Book Now

The world is hungry for connection!
Feed them your (authentic) voice!
Bring your voice to the world!

Speak spontaneously. Speak conversationally. Speak confidently.

Specializing in accent modulation, reducing anxiety, and enhancing executive presence, Clara will equip you—physically, mentally, and vocally—to speak with confidence, authenticity, and presence about everything you’ve built, in a way that’s both powerful and sustainable.

Schedule Your Hourly Sessions by emailing speakeasywithclara@gmail.com
Sliding Scale Available Upon Request
Clara Francesca – LinkedIn

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How it works

Are you an expert in your field struggling to effectively get your message across?
Then email speakeasywithclara@gmail.com now and book your complimentary 15-minute consultation audio call and begin your speaking success.
Standard industry rates. Speak Easy with Clara’s coaching means reducing you public speaking fears, deliver winning content and feel authentic in your speech!

Speech Spin Sessions

Take the plunge! Get your Speech Reps in!
Email speakeasywithclara@gmail.com to sign up for online or onsite Speech Spin 1.5 hour Group Sessions.


As featured on Channel 10 News, Australia


“Clara delivered a workshop to a group of experienced sports coaches and executives I organised and it was absolutely outstanding! Her delivery and personality made them all feel comfortable, while positively challenging their understanding and approach to public speaking, media and coaching. She provided practical and memorable techniques to improve and left the group feeling more confident and inspired. We couldn’t recommend Clara highly enough and will be back for more sessions!”

John M, Momentum Inc Founder, Marketing & Commercial Specialist

Clara is a true gem. I sought her help during Covid when uncomfortable and nerve-wracking Zoom meetings became de rigueur, which was clearly adversely affecting my ability to book new clients. It has been a couple months now since my last session with Clara and I have booked every new client that has come my way via Zoom. Coincidence? I don’t think so!

J.Totolici, Photographer ft. Vogue Italia

“The quality that all business leaders possess is excellent communication skills.  Until now, I struggled speaking publicly and I would avoid giving presentations.  This definitely held me back from growing professionally.  Recently, my company president asked me to lead a series of workshops at a national sales kickoff event.  I … was fortunate to be teamed up with Clara…  Clara helped me work through the psychological blocks that inhibited me from expressing myself.  We practiced vocal drills to find my “voice”.  She taught me to speak slowly from my diaphragm, organize my thoughts and synchronize my voice with the ideas I want to express.  She even gave me helpful advice on my presentation.  I’m happy to report that the survey results from over 300 participants in attendance voted me as “Favorite Speaker” among all presenters!  This wouldn’t have been possible without Clara’s help.  Clara rocks!

David G., Associate General Counsel

“I came to Clara ahead of my first keynote speech, both to prep for that talk specifically and to overcome some longstanding issues in communicating with large groups. Clara was an incredible mentor – she coached me in both practical and mental strategies that helped me give a great presentation and that I continue to use almost every day. I gained a tremendous amount of confidence during my time with Clara and have reached a new level in my career as a result. Can’t recommend highly enough.”

Matt, Media and Content VP

Clara is an incredibly gifted teacher who brings a wealth of knowledge, deep expertise and empathy, and always goes above and beyond to help her clients achieve their goals. As a result of her coaching, I’ve gone from having no public speaking experience to becoming a professional speaker and event host, and saw both immediate, tangible results within the first couple of lessons and significant long-term progress over the past year and a half. She has helped me improve my tone, accent, delivery and content of my speeches for several high-profile engagements ranging from hosting large-scale events to serving as an interviewer, panelist and conference moderator to recording a podcast and preparing for important meetings. The tools, tips and techniques she has equipped me with have been instrumental in propelling my career to the next level, while building my confidence as a communicator and ability to connect with any audience. With her help, I’ve felt like I could tackle any communication challenge and left every lesson feeling inspired, energized and empowered. I’m deeply grateful for Clara’s continued guidance and everyone I’ve referred to her (from senior corporate executives to actors looking to master an accent to people in creative roles across the media industry and beyond), have been equally thrilled with her work.

Adriana S, PR Consulting

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PC: Melissa Segal

No matter what stage you’re at in your career, Clara has worked with a variety of clients including leading Company Presidents, VPs, Directors, Managers, C Suite Executives, UN officials, Professors and Academics, Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Financiers, Philanthropists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Artists, Dancers, Designers, Opera Singers, Athletes, Sports Coaches, Umpires, Interns, Students, and many more to master the speaking voice for their long-term career success!

Background and Qualifications:

  • 15 years of experience in coaching public speaking
  • Speech Coach in New York City for over 5 years
  • Bachelor’s Degrees in Law and Biomedical Sciences from Monash University
  • Debater & Coach for Debater’s Association & Public Speaking Championships
  • Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, training in Medical Law, Clerkship
  • Consumer Affairs, Civil Disputes
  • Mentorships by Psychologists David Grand, PhD & Howard Teich, PhD
  • Lead Director for Acting Antics, self-motivated children’s performances
  • Anne Bogart’s NYC SITI Company Conservatory
  • Artistic Associate Phoenix Theater Ensemble, formerly Jean Cocteau Repertory
  • Artistic Associate to Theater Company GF&Co
  • Fluent in Italian and English

“So many people have so many speaking anxieties, from big meeting presentations to taking job interviews. I want people to move past that and really love communicating about their career, ideas and life.” C. Francesca

Clara has developed and tested a unique process for equipping clients from all professional and cultural backgrounds with the tools they need for success, while keeping the true essence of your individual personality.


  • An integrated approach of anatomy, tenets, physiology, psychology, & philosophy for voice & speech
  • A focus on classical text articulation & breathing techniques
  • The principles and relationship between meditation, hydration, sight, sound, heart & mind
  • A scientific awareness of the body as a changing entity 
  • Corporate sensitivities

What you’ll get:

  • Tools, confidence and mindfulness needed to win over a room
  • Techniques to communicate clearly and with conviction
  • Techniques to reduce speaking anxiety
  • Accent modification/’reduction’, if desired
  • Overcoming Public Speaking Fears
  • A speaking authentic voice that you love
  • Day-To-Day practical skills to use in your next board meeting, Ted Talk, seminar, job interview, lecture, summary-update & more

Types of Sessions

  • One-on-One,
  • Corporate Workshops
  • Speech Spin Sessions

All sessions are custom designed, with short or long-course models for recurring seminars, workshops and other in-house events to master the skills and have accountability to transforming old confused speaking habits, into healthy assertive and clear speech.