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A Letter to all my friends,

Many of us have been staying at home in China in self-quarantine for a while, and many (in the States and elsewhere) have started to do so in response to the pandemic coronavirus situation. Everyday I look out through the window, observe, feel and imagine the world outside. That’s how I got the idea for this “my window speaks” project, to experience and document this special period of time.

If you happen to look through this page, I ask you to join me and take part in this project, to create, through any kinds of forms, works that literally, poetically, abstractly, figuratively, visually, metaphorically or physically connect to the idea of “my window speaks.”

If comfortable and interested, please send me the works dedicated to this project via email or google drive. I am working towards creating an online platform to host everyone’s works while looking for other opportunities for more people to see and experience this project!

–Lu Shirley Dai
March. 14th, 2020.